White bed on orange background

How Often Should You Wash Your Bed Sheets?

Are you a sheet-washing superhero or do you let a few weeks (or months) pass before you finally give in and toss them in the wash? Whether you're a frequent sheet washer or a once-in-a-blue-moon cleaner, it's time to start paying more attention to the cleanliness of your bedding.

Think about it, you spend a third of your life snuggled up in your bed, and all that time, your bedding is collecting sweat, hair, and yes, even skin cells. But it's not just about the ick factor, it's about your health. Sleeping in dirty sheets can lead to illness, skin irritation, and even allergies. So, grab your cape, it's time to be a sheet-washing superhero!

Why Do You Need to Wash Your Bedding?

Skin Cells and Dust Mites In Your Bedding
First, let's talk about dust mites. These tiny critters love to munch on your skin cells and their faeces can cause allergies and skin irritation. Gross, we know. And did you know that there may be up to 10 million of these little guys living in your bed right now? Yikes! But don't worry, by washing your sheets regularly, you can remove skin cell build-up and kill off some of the mites in your sheets.

Germs and Bacteria in Your Bedding
Now, let's talk about germs and bacteria. We encounter germs and bacteria every day, and if you're not washing your hands before crawling into bed, you're bringing all of that with you. Plus, if you're sick, you're contaminating your bed with the germs of your illness. Ew. And let's not forget about moisture from sweat and drool, it creates a warm and damp environment that bacteria, fungi, and mold love to thrive. So, by washing your sheets regularly, you can help reduce the likelihood of these harmful things growing in your bed.

Bad Bedroom Habits
But it's not just about washing your sheets, it's also about your bedroom habits. If you let your pets sleep in your bed, you're exposing yourself to fleas, ticks, dirt, and dander. If you throw your bag or laptop on your bed, you're inviting bacteria from all the places those items have been. So, it's time to nip these habits in the bud if you want to reduce that exposure.


Laundry washing bed sheets with Sheet Yeah! laundry sheet

How Often Should You Wash Your Bedding?

So, how often should you wash your bedding? You should wash your bedding once every 1-2 weeks in warm to hot water. This should be often enough to remove all the dirt, germs, and dust mites. And don't forget to wash your pillowcases too! We know it can be a bit of a hassle, but trust us, it's worth it. By keeping your bedding fresh and clean, you'll not only sleep better, but your skin and overall health will thank you. So go forth, sheet-washing superhero, and save the day (and your bed)!


How Often Should You Wash Your Comforter?

Are you a comforter-cleaning champ or do you shy away from tackling those big, fluffy blankets? We know, comforters can be a bit more challenging to keep clean than sheets, but that doesn't mean they should be neglected.

It's important to make sure you're washing your comforter regularly, whether it's every other week or once a month. Comforters get dirty with regular use and the more you use your bed, the dirtier your comforter will get. And if you're like many people who ditched the top sheet, it's even more important to take care of your comforter. A top sheet acts as a barrier between your skin and the comforter, keeping it cleaner. But if you've said goodbye to the top sheet, it's time to give your comforter some extra love.

Washing your comforter can be a bit of a chore, but it will help keep it clean and make it last longer. Make sure to use the hottest water recommended and dry it thoroughly. These blankets contain stuffing that can trap moisture, so it's important to make sure it's completely dry. This will prevent mold and musty smells. So, grab that comforter and toss it in the wash. A little extra effort will go a long way in keeping your bed clean and comfortable. You'll sleep better and enjoy your comforter for longer.


How Often Should You Wash a Weighted Blanket?

Weighted blankets, they're the perfect snuggle buddy for those cozy nights in, but have you ever wondered just how often you should be washing them?

The answer is, it depends on how often you use it! If you're snuggled up with your weighted blanket every night, we recommend washing it every other week to once a month. But, if you only use it occasionally, you can get away with washing it once a month to every two months.

It's important to check the care instructions of your specific weighted blanket as well. Some are machine washable; others might have specific temperature or duration recommendations. Our general recommendation is to be careful with the amount of detergent you use and use a cool water temperature. And the best way to dry it is to hang it up to air dry.

In summary, it's all about finding the balance of usage, cleaning recommendations, and care instructions to ensure your weighted blanket is always fresh, clean, and ready for you to snuggle up with. So, go ahead and give your snuggle buddy a quick clean, it'll love you for it.


How Often Should You Wash Pillows and Pillowcases?

Pillowcases may seem small but they play a big role in keeping your skin healthy and your allergies at bay. So, how often should you be washing them? The answer is twice a week, if possible.

This will help prevent skin irritation and breakouts caused by bacteria that build up on your pillowcase. Makeup, sweat, hair product, and more can collect on your pillowcase, clogging your pores and growing bacteria. And since pillowcases come in direct contact with the sensitive skin on your face for hours every night, it's important to keep them clean.

But we know, washing pillowcases twice a week can be a challenge, so a good trick is to alternate between two pillowcases. This way, you always have a fresh one and you only have to do laundry once a week. When washing your pillowcases, do it the same way you would wash your sheets - in the warmest water recommended. If you have special pillowcases like silk, make sure to follow the care instructions on the tag or use a garment bag.

As for the pillows themselves, they need less frequent washing. You should wash them twice a year and make sure to use two rinse cycles to ensure all detergent has been washed off. For drying, pop them out in the sun for extra disinfecting. For extra protection, use a pillow protector. These zipped covers go under the pillowcase to protect your pillow from gathering dust and skin cells. If you have allergies, having clean pillows is especially important as dust mite feces and other allergens tend to gather in pillows, making allergy symptoms worse. So, don't forget to add your pillowcases and pillows to your laundry list and enjoy the benefits of sleeping on fresh and clean bedding.


What type of Laundry Detergent should I choose?

Always choose a non-toxic one! Your bedroom needs to be a sanctuary, and your bed should be a harmless and wholesome spot to sleep; with all the hours we spend between the sheets you need to keep it as fresh, clean, and healthy a place as possible. Plant-based or natural cleaning products guarantee that you do not have dangerous chemicals come into contact with your skin. Additionally, opt for one that is free from animal testing as many detergents still partake in this practice. Consequently, try to find a natural detergent that functions well in both hot and cold water.

Sheet Yeah! Laundry Detergent sheets are a great option, not only are they non-toxic, they work in all washing machines including Top, Front, and HE, and are suitable for both hot and cold water. 100% Vegan and cruelty-free. You can check them out online here.



In conclusion, keeping your bedding fresh and clean is not only important for your overall health and well-being, but also for the longevity of your sheets, comforter, and weighted blanket. Regularly washing your bedding can help remove dirt, germs, and dust mites that can build up over time. And it's not just about washing your sheets, it's also about being mindful of your bedroom habits, such as not letting your pets sleep in your bed or throwing your bag or laptop on your bed, which can introduce bacteria and allergens into your bedding.

It's recommended to wash your sheets once every 1-2 weeks, your comforter every other week to once a month, and for the weighted blanket it depends on how often you use it. It's also important to pay attention to the care instructions for each item, whether it's temperature, duration, or special care needs.

In summary, taking the time to wash your bedding regularly can have a big impact on your health, comfort, and longevity of your bedding. So, grab that cape and become a sheet-washing superhero! Your bed and your body will thank you.